Decorative Painting

This is how I work

Kategori: Allmänt

Here are some photos from a job I did on a facade in Hammarby sjöstad, for Stockholm Library. I did a pattern beforhand to work from to get the correct form and look. it can be quite hard to do such a big panting, it´s important to get the right look and to get it straight. It´s fun to do jobs o a facaed, i still think it´s cool that so many people get to se my work even though i have done a few, I still fell very proud. 
Today I also got a very uplifting phone call. An old client called me and said she whas very very happy with an old job I had done in her home. It wasn´t something special, just some wall-pappering but she was very happy with my work and said that she wanted me to do more work for her in her new apartment. This showes how important every job is. It isn´t just the high profile or celebrity work that is important. You have to make every job count and always do you very best even for the smallest client becaus you never konw where yu next job will come from or how the samllest thing will turn in to something big! That´s why I treat every client as a high-end client and try my best to make every clinet very happy with me and my work. And it seems to be paying off!