Decorative Painting


Kategori: Allmänt

In 2011 me and my girlfriend went on a trip to Venice. What a city! Crazy beautiful, so much to see and so much pizza to eat. ;) I had the best pizza of my life in Venice. 
But that´s not the only reason I recommend a trip to Venice. I recommend it for the amazing architecture, the history and the inspiration. As a decorative painter I try to travel as much as I can to find inspiration and get a chans to see historical places in real life. There is one thing to read about the Saint Mark's Basilica or look at pictures, but to accually see it for youself, that´s an whole other story. To feel it, to see it, even to smell it, that´s something special that can´t be dicribed by words. To travel really gives me so much as an artist. 
We went to Venice in April and spent about four days there. It was enough to get to see the highlights of the city. There are no cars in Venice, the only transportation is by boat or by foot. We walked alot, several times we got lost in the winding roads but that´s what´s fun about Venice, you might get lost but there is always something to see. Inspiration really is everwhere in this city. And not only for decorative artists but for all artists. You simply can not got to Venice without getting inspiered (or have pizza)
These picture are just a sample of how I collcets photos for inspiration. When I travel my camera is my best friend, I take photos of EVERYTHING. Drives my grilsfriend crazy sometimes... The last picture is from a church in Venice where a decortaive painter was hard at work with the floor. What an amazing job! I would love to do decorative work in Venice. 
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