Decorative Painting

Opéra national de Paris

Kategori: Allmänt

In the summer of 2013, me and my girlfriend took a vacation in the most beautiful city we know. Paris! We have both been there before and we will will absolutely go there again. Because of my interest in decorative painting, interior and exterior design, marbles and beautiful ornamentation this post will mostly contend pictures. For you to find some inspiration from as well.
Just the exterior of the Opera is extraordinary.
Sometimes I want to be in the pictures as well....
I could definitely spend hours and hours in this beautiful building!
This is a picture from my girlfriends "point of view". I´m always taking pictures for references. I´ll promise you, it will come in handy some day.
Of course the marble floor in the grand foyer speaks directly to me!
Part of the ceiling mural.
The balcony.
A little crazy marble action! I´m not sure what kind of marble this is, but if anyone knows feel free to enlighten me!
Breche violet.
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